Production blog ( Finally did it!)

 I was finally able to meet up with the girls. I went to Sofia's community. I arrived at 1 pm and made it to her house. Jenna had brought Starbucks for me and the girls. Then I walked to Sofia's gym and clubhouse. After I went near the poolside to review our dance. I went over our script and made sure to get everything down. Randomly out of nowhere Jackson and Zane showed up. They held the doors for our first scene. In our second scene there was a close up shot on savannah's phone. After I gave Jenna and Savannah airpods. Then it transitioned into a choreography that was a dream. There was old ladies and men staring at us in the gym. One nice guy asked me and Jackson what type of project was it. He after gave us kind words of wisdom. After shooting I rode Jackson's bike. I went to his house and his dog barked a lot when he saw me. Very scary moment his dog was giant. After I went to Sofia's house and met her dog. The dog was much nicer. After I met Sofia's parents I played tennis then I went home had lots of fun.


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