Production (Admiring our creation)

 I have finally finished the music video. Now it is time for the fun. After finishing the music video I had time to relax. I showed my family members the music video and they congratulated me. I also decided to look at it during study hall with my friends and they loved it. After that I had a good tine focusing on other classes. I conversed with my group members of how well of a job my group did and celebrated. It was finally complete all the work and the steps it took was worth the final product. I was ecstatic about how much better my group did. After learning the process now the music video was a total success. I got to stay after school and practice basketball. Before that I went to star and studied for the day. When I went home I decided to look at how to upload the video on Youtube again. Now I am sitting writing about today's events. After completing the video there is less to talk about. But, I feel like the video really captured the power struggles of the LGBTQ community. Also the group got to fit in the cliche popular kid nerd complex. It helped out for making a good role in the lovers aspect. I loved the way  my group added split screen and sticked to the different angles and shots. The variety had made the video ten times better.

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