Finale of editing or just the beginning

Kazmin is back with another blog, hey guys. I've chosen all of the videos for the film with the girls. Next, in order to fit each video into the opening sequence, I sliced it up. I then went on to add transitions. Shadows was added for the film. The alarm noises were then added once the light was turned off. I was messaging back and forth with the girls as me and the girls were all using Apple editing. It resembled creating a school assignment. I began by using a footage of the group as a whole. When the group moved farther inside the structure, the menacing music gradually became louder. I had to add in music sliding it under the video so it doesn't merge and become a text on the screen. After ensuring that I have a really ominous appearance. I always take care to remove any obtrusive background noise. But each clip needed different titles so I had to add them. First I had to decide which font for each scene. The original fonts chosen had to be changed to look more realistic. When inserting the text I had to ask myself does this seem like horror. I picked out the new font for the tex. Now I had to choose which title cards to put first. Then I remembered the movies me and my group looked at and borrowed some ideas.


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