Oh we Pitching already?

 Pitch 1:  Two 16 year old boy's become drug dependent after the passing of their mother, falling into a rabbit hole tied together. 

Pitch 2: A man get's burned from his daily cup of joe and notices something unusual. 

For pitch one we came up with the idea of two brothers, Jake and Trey who have been dealing with depression after their mother passing away, and one day someone offers them drugs one (acid drug) day and they buy them. They then realize that their plans for college don't seem bright and they need to make a living. They decide to create their own business, selling drugs. What happens next is up for grabs. We like this pitch because there is a lot we cans do with it. This is an easy pitch where we can put a lot into the story. Additionally, we can challenge the conventions of drug abuse in the world and spread a positive message. This also opens up many endings, and you all will have to wait to see what we come up with!

For pitch 2 we came up with an idea of a man spilling coffee on himself and getting the ability to consume caffeine from anyone, becoming the 'caffeine monster.' This is a very complicated, complex idea but it can be altered into a short film. This film would challenge the conventions of people being consumed and dependent on caffeine. We thought this was a very original, complex idea. The main issue with this pitch is that it would be difficult to bring to life. It's very imaginative and requires a lot of creative editing with unusual props. 

After further discussing these two pitches we came to a conclusion. We have decided to go with pitch one as there is much we can do with it. We like pitch 2 but it has its limitations. For example we have a small budget and pitch one is something we can do without spending much money. We are excited to expand on this pitch! We will all see you with our next blog and have
a great day!


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