Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 monkeys, the full length movie


Hello, today we will be talking about the comparison of La Jetée vs 12 monkeys. We learned that Le Jetée is an intriguing low-fi sci-fi time travel tale. The Le Jetée is considered a photo novel and is not completely referred to as a film. The flow of images alongside the audio gives it cumulative power. In effect, the entire film is a meditation on the passage of time. There are 400+ pictures in Le Jetée a few repeat but it's the variation in the usage that makes the overall effect so potent. Clean cuts for a traditional shot reverse shot orientation and crossfades or dissolves for a more dream-like ambiance. The longer holds allow us to absorb and explore certain images. Audio is generally deployed with great subtlety and sometimes accentuates the visuals more overtly. 12 Monkeys and Le Jetée both climax with the explanation for the child's haunting vision that he witnessed his own adult's death. Terry Gilliam of 12 Monkeys used distorting wide angles to convey a skewed vision of humanity. 12 Monkeys attempts and achieves something unusual by splicing genres from cerebral sci-fi to paranoid thriller to doomed romance. 12 Monkeys was a slick Hollywood studio project with an antique anarchic sensibility it featured standout heartfelt performances from the ever underrated stow. Chris Marker's film still images come to life you could say that this is a photo of Roman overcoming and transforming in his words the vertigo of time. Le Jetée is simplistic in scope, yet vastly deep in its subtext, Terry Gilliam expands upon the ideas of Le Jetée giving his film a more technological bend. The most poignant part of Le Jetée is definitely the examination of memory's power. The influence of the most poignant part of Le Jetée plays a huge factor in the plot of 12 Monkeys because the shared memory of the two main characters comes into play from beginning to end of the film. The video helped us appreciate the nature of photo novels and allowed me to visualize the filming and audio of Le Jetée and the 12 Monkeys. The article helped us appreciate the nature and style of these two films even though the process of creating these two films is so different their complexity is fascinating. Overall, the article and video made us look at how different aspects of the writing, filming, and post-production process can really capture in-depth the overarching theme of the film being created.


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