Short Film Research: Consent by Jason Reitman/ Comedy

 Short Film Research: Consent by Jason Reitman/ Comedy


• This comedy short followed a teenage girl and boy duo considering the pros and cons of hooking up with each other on their first date. It has several humorous elements that made it very funny and entertaining to watch!
• No music or scoring is used in this short film, which causes the mood of the short to be very authentic. This lack of music and strict use of just ambient and diagetic sounds (e.x- bed sheets ruffling) is a common use of sound in the comedy genre because it makes the film more relatable and real.
• Also, the characters’ normal, casual clothing, made the short relatable for us to watch. Especially as teenagers ourselves! 
• This short was a great example of a successful comedy short. Although it was only eight minutes, the storyline was funny enough to still be very entertaining. The entire short film had quite consistent editing and camera shots. This short followed a dialogue between two teenagers and their “sexual lawyers”. So, over-the-shoulder shots were used as the lawyers went back and forth. This showed themspeaking for their “clients” as they signed a sexual consent form.
• The use of characters that would not occur in real life (like the “sexual consent lawyers”) added an element of humor to this short. Hence, why it is a good example of a comedy short film.
• We really enjoyed watching this short film. Its aspects of humor, relatableness and randomness really fit the genre of comedy. So, we will be using this short to help us with our research for our own comedy film. We will definetely be using these elements in our short. If we do this, our short should also accurately fit the comedy genre!




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