Short Film Research: No Deal by Joe Burke/ Comedy

 Short Film Research: No Deal by Joe Burke/ Comedy


• This short film follows the story of a girl and a guy trying to spend the night together. The main conflict is that the girl’s roommate is a very eccentric man. Her roommate keeps on interrupting their time together in weird ways. Eventually the man who is trying to hook up with the girl gives up and lashes out. 
• This short was funny and a great example of the comedy genre. The plot itself was very humorous. Ultimately, me and my group think what made this short film so funny was the roommate’s wacky behavior. As the short went on, the roommate would do even crazier things that would result in interruption of the girl and the guy’s alone time. It was funny seeing the main boy react to the roommate’s weird behavior. It was also funny to see the girl react in theopposite way that he was.
• We were surprised that the girl would constantly be okay with the roommate interrupting her night. Her reactions made it seem as if this happens all the timeThis juxtaposition to the guy’s confused and seemingly irritated reaction to the roommate’s actions added more humor.
• This short and most of the other comedy shorts we researched have some things in common. This is because they all follow the typical conventions of a comedy short.For example, their lack of music, until the very end of the short, on the title page. This means that only real (ambient and diagetic) sounds were heard in the short. This, as well as the actors’ casual-looking outfits, made the short film funnier because everything the characters did felt relatable to us. 
• Cuts and tracking shots were used throughout the short which added to the relatable vibe.
• Overall, this short film followed the conventions of a comedy short and we will also be using it to help create our short film in this same genre.


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