How does your Film represent social groups or issues?
    My Film addresses social group issues by representing the problem within the Generation Z community of peer pressure and the overuse of drugs. With the world we live in today it is even easier than before to come across drugs. Drugs have been and will continue to be a devastating issue in communities but, the effect it has on teens is tremendous. According to the Addiction Center, "Nearly 90% of substance use disorders start during teenage years". This information represents the importance of why teens should avoid drug consumption at this vulnerable age it is easier to develop an addiction. This will result in the society of Gen Z becoming less aware and present with what is happening in this world. With the accessibility of drugs increasing Physical and Mental Health problems for teenagers are beginning to rise.   So, to address Generation Z's overuse of drugs and peer pressure, we looked at two individuals, Hunter and Kaz. We had them play two teenagers who take drugs and go on a spiral of fun but in the end, they meet a devastating fate. The characters act as a duo and party together on the beach with their friends while taking drugs but eventually their fun ends when faced with reality. The reality they are faced with is the police coming for them and catching them but also we look at the aspect of overdose. In addition, Hunter experiences an overdose and Kaz leaves him which helps identify a common theme when taking drugs as friends seem to leave each other when faced with the consequences of taking drugs. This depiction of the film symbolizes the dopamine rush presented while using drugs the fun may last for a moment but soon after tragedy awaits. To act as a solution to this issue we used the adventure of the two boys as a daydream Kaz had in the middle of the film. This led to the boys in the end not consuming the drugs and not falling into the peer pressure of society.

How do the elements of your film work together to create a sense of ‘branding’?
    The hysterical aspect of the film is used to draw in the attention of young teens. Almost every teen loves to laugh and what's more funny than two stupid teenagers doing dumb stuff. The theme of doing drugs is most prevalent in teenage years so this fits the target audiences conventions. But, the whole movie is used to prevent teenagers to consume drugs in the first place which is why the film is called OverDont. The overall message being sent can correlate with parents and older audiences which can act as a way to get our target audience to watch OverDont on YouTube. Branding OverDont on different platforms was not difficult I used Instagram and YouTube as well as a way to broadcast OverDont to the audience. The Instagram account had a preview of the film as well as premiere dates and links to the website and Youtube. The Instagram also had a sense of comedic presence with the picture of the film being hysterical. The scenery in the film changes a lot which makes the film even more hysterical which fits the brand. You might be asking what is the Brand? Well the answer to that question is that the brand is OverDont a Comedic but insightful film that shows the affect drugs has on teens. I think the elements of the film captures the brand of the film almost perfectly. The over the shoulder shots looking into the other characters face captures the sense of comical presence in the film. When looking at the characters faces you can see the humor portrayed within the fantasy world of OverDont. Also the police sirens and dialogue of the cops as well as the addition of the blue and red lights included in the film helps depict the seriousness of drugs and the negative affect it has on Generation Z.

How do your products engage with the audience?
    The film engages with the audience by using a lot of strategies that makes the target audience attracted to the film. One strategy used is the scenery of the beach and partying. You might ask 
"How is that a strategy to capture the target audience". Well since it is around spring break time Generation Z loves to go out to places like Miami Beach to go and party. With this idea kept in mind we used this as a crucial factor in attracting Generation Z. The second strategy used was the use of the characters acting and voices to draw people into watching the film. Within the preview of the film it is a swift and hilarious breakdown of the adventure the two main characters go on. In this breakdown it showcases Hunter and Kazmin's acting which was very appealing to the intended audience. They had a short scene where Hunter goes in between Kazmin's legs to search for drugs. Funny short scenes that were included were things that attracted and engaged the audience to the film. The third strategy was the music and audio clips that were embedded into the film the sirens and song choice fit the brand and the correlation with Generation Z. Also the audience could engage with the film by leaving comments on the Youtube Video which the short film was posted on. Also the film could be seen through Instagram as well as the website created. In the website you will see the awards the film has won as well as what showcases it was premiered on. The website and Instagram really helped to reach the target audience. The reason it helped so much is because the generation of the target audience is so technologically advanced they access things like Instagram very easily. All that had to be done was promoting it on instagram and posting to get it on the intended audiences feed.

How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?
    The research conducted helped identify which genre we should use to address the convention of teenagers using drugs and getting away with it in films. Usually in comedic films about drugs and teenagers things go wrong just like in OverDont but they usually end in the teens learning their lesson and barely getting away with their situation. But in OverDont there is a clear showcase of the consequences displayed when teenagers take drugs. Another convention challenged is the teens not taking the drugs in the end at all. Usually in comedic films if there are drugs in the film then the teens will end up consuming the drugs in the end. But OverDont puts a twist to the film by making it all a dream which challenges the conventions of teens actually taking drugs. Also we challenged the conventions of falling into societal peer pressure by making Kaz think about the negative impact drugs can have on his life if he were to do them in doing so he avoided taking drugs and falling into peer pressure. Also the film fell into the stereotype of doing drugs then going to a party to have fun. Also the cops being included in a film about drugs is very common in film in general. We challenged the  convention of the cop being intimidating and made it goofy and silly to match the genre. Also we kept conventions up usually in comedy films with teenagers there are two main characters who are best friends and experience their lives together in the movie. Also we challenged conventions because both actors are different races, in film usually the two main characters are the same race but with this film interracial friendships should be normalized and is a good representation of the changing culture Generation Z is providing.


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